
The Otavalo Indians in the community of Peguche, Ecuador, are peaceful people, proud of their craftsmanship and vibrant festivals. But they need a new school and a new kindergarten. Poverty in Peguche is particularly severe, greater than in other villages of Ecuador’s indigenous population. The currency reform of the USA forced Ecuador’s previously strong currency, the Sucre, to its knees. To gain cheap access to Ecuador’s oil, the USA decided to systematically inflate the exchange rate of 1:1 between the dollar and the Sucre. The result was hyperinflation, which impoverished large parts of the country and plunged both young and old into poverty. Self-help by the population was undermined by inflation.

Your donation helps to support the children of the Otavalo Indians. With your support, they can learn to read and write and find a way to preserve their traditional way of life in a modern society. This bridge between old and new is more important than ever – for all of us. And the values, wisdom, and ancient knowledge of the Otavalo Indians could prove to be a great gift to humanity.

Thank you for your help!

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Sparkasse Bochum
IBAN: DE86 4305 0001 0021 4110 04