Children in Indonesia

Indonesia has been severely affected by the measures against COVID-19. While in the wealthy West, trillions of euros are being spent so that 0.3 percent of the population does not die prematurely from a flu virus, the lockdown is costing millions of Indonesian children and adolescents their lives. They are starving. They are dying from their bitter poverty, while international companies like Freeport-McMoRan destroy their environment, clear-cut the rainforests, and poison the rivers. These brown scars on the face of Mother Earth are visible from space. The suffering of starving children is not.

Therefore, we want to help and bring food and first aid to these forgotten slums, which currently receive no help from the West. Our help is most urgently needed here.

Help us to help these children.

Thank you!

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Gemeinsam schöner leben e.V.
Sparkasse Bochum
IBAN: DE86 4305 0001 0021 4110 04